
Several countries across the world are experiencing expanding outbreaks of respiratory illness (COVID-19) caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS CoV-2). The virus is spreading from person-to-person and the number of cases detected in BC, Canada and many other countries is growing. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic making it the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus.The British Columbia Economic Development Association (BCEDA) is deeply concerned about the impacts this will have not only on individuals, but also local, Indigenous and regional communities. The impact on businesses and the employees should be an important consideration and as such we are doing our best to provide updated information as it comes available. Providing you with accurate information during a time of heightened concern is one of the best things we can do to keep misinformation from spreading, including avoiding stigma and related discrimination. We will be providing resources that may be helpful to Local, Indigenous and Regional governments as well as business.
BCEDA founded Canada's first Economic Disaster Recovery in 2012. Since that time, we have provided leadership in designing and implementing programs in BC, throughout Canada and even assisted in the US. The BCEDA Economic Disaster Recovery Program has assisted communities in BC (Burns Lake, communities and businesses impacted by wildfires in 2017 and 2018, Grand Forks), Alberta (11 Recovery Plans following 2013 flooding, the US Virgin Islands, the US Mariana Islands, and other areas in Canada and the United States.BCEDA #COVID19 Resources for BC Businesses Guide
This shareable, live document is being continually updated with the most relevant information, tools and resources for the BC business community. #COVID19 Bulletins are listed here. Please feel free to share.Choose a link below for more information:
About BCEDA's Communities in Crisis Fund